Out-Stream Video Formats in a nutshell

Out-Stream Video Formats in a nutshell

The practice shows that nowadays the most of media budgets in forward-minded companies are spent for videos. Unfortunately, for many companies pre-roll ads are too expensive to include into their advertising strategy. However, that doesn’t mean that they do not have other options. The introduction of the out-stream video ads has shifted the forces and made them more accessible.

80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic

According to Cisco forecast, “globally, consumer internet video traffic will be 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2019, up from 64 percent in 2014”. Such rapid growth of the video will be turning the whole online industry on a different level. The transition point will be video to become the main satisfying source for people’s craving for information and entertainment. For small companies, which won’t be able to adjust to new market conditions and incorporate video in their web advertising techniques, this may jeopardize the whole performance.

What is Out-Stream?

For those who are not yet familiar with this format, we will shortly explain the main characteristics of it. Even looking from linguistic point of view “outstream” is one which plays outside of video content. In most cases, the ads show up as a page break inside the main body of editorial content and continues to play until the viewer scrolls away. When the ad comes to an end, it disappears from the page.

At first glance, out-stream may be considered as very intrusive ad format, as it has the following faults: the appearance within the content tends to “break reader’s flow”, as well as the viewer needs to make an effort in order to see the ad (to scroll) and it can appear without notice or warning. However, using the right tools and options publishers can serve users with good advertising experience.

Other benefits to the sell-side includes practically limitless nature of such ads. Unlike banner or in-stream, it is theoretically possible to put as many ads as Publisher wants. The price for out-stream can bulk up, reaching up to four-fold the amount of other formats. Moreover, Publishers can drop down spending time and budgets for creating their own video content to monetize through in-stream, they can just focus on selling out-stream placements.

Out-Stream Formats

The problem with out-stream video formats is that there is lack of standardisation, which means that different platforms make their own names and classifications for out-stream videos. The most useful and relevant division we found the one that is suggested by Adform, including such formats as:
● Responsive In-View
● The Slicebox
● AdTabs
● Video Tabs

Responsive In-View format is in-line text video ad, which is somewhat similar to Facebook Videos. It means that once you scroll down and the video is shown less that 50% of the screen, it automatically pauses. In case you want to continue watching, you just need to scroll back and it will resume.

The Slicebox format is a visual transition, performed as moving slices of a cube. It incorporates multiple ads into one unit, making them attractive, compact and straightforward.

AdTabs allows to maximise screen space and appear to be minimally intrusive. They usually occur on the edge of the screen as small icon and enlarges on the click, accompanied by an image gallery.

Video Tabs is a video format, which is very similar to AdTabs as they share the same general idea. The main difference is that Video Tabs are played automatically on the edge of your screen and the video can be enlarged on mouseover.

All these formats are 100% programmatic friendly and highly effective. The smart combination of video ads in your ad strategy will surely enhance and streamline your future advertising.

Stay tune and do not hesitate to contact our team: box@yieldriser.com

Other articles worth reading:
How to monetize video-content on the website?
6 differences between AdSense and Google Ad Exchange
Header bidding or Waterfall?


Photo credit: Anthony Quintano via Foter.com / CC BY