Programmatic forecast for 2017

Programmatic forecast for 2017

New year is well underway. Almost every company is doing a summary from the past year. This is an excellent opportunity to describe the current situation of Internet advertising market, to compare it to other media, as well as estimates of the dynamics and the value of digital communication.

The big and fast development of the digital ecosystem bring a lot of challenges. Along with changes in Internet usage and an increase in the number of data there are many issues which need to adapt researchers and analysts. A great importance for the future of this medium will also have legislation, under which comes to major changes, at least in regard to privacy, security and intellectual property.

One of the many elements that accelerate market development Programmatic is universal and mutual product compatibility. More and more tools and media channels are integrated under the sign of dedicated platforms. At the same time, the leading players effectuate solutions that block access to some resources for other tools.

Here are our predictions of how Programmatic  in 2017 can look like:

  • Programmatic Video – video advertising on the Internet is becoming more and more important in media plans. The specificity of digital media, different from the traditional channels, has created the ground for a better variety of advertising formats. Their implementation to the programmatic model a lot of potential in terms of effectiveness and sales. Although the Central European market, including Poland, area of the video available on Programmatic model is still limited, but in the coming years market lead to change it.
  • Programmatic Rich Media – average, four times higher campaign performance and seven times greater involvement in the message. Not without reason Programmatic Rich Media is currently the fastest growing segment of the display advertising market in Poland and in the world. Rich Media translates into very calculable results. For this reason – according to forecasts Adform – in 2017 PRM spending should increase to 30%.
  • Native ads – communication native gives advertisers a wide range of opportunities to engage consumers through the richness of forms and varieties. This high flexibility of action carries a wide range of efficiency measures.
  • Automated Guaranteed – is not an auction and includes a fixed price for the CPM. This model brings some problems. The main difference between publishers and advertisers is that first group is well prepared in terms of technology. Therefore, the market is still missing systems that are able to send commands to the central advertising Automated Guaranteed provider.

How 2017 will star? We still don’t know, but we will see it in the next few weeks.

Source: Raporty IAB: Perspektywy Rozwojowe Reklamy Online w Polsce 2016/2017
