Make your ads more viewable

Make your ads more viewable

Visibility of the ad is important for both as well as advertisers and Google. Effective advertising reaches a wide audience, encouraging them to take specific action, for example visit site, make a purchase or contact the store. What is viewability and how it is affect on advertising?

Visibility – what is it?

Visibility is an indicator by which you will learn whether the ad has a chance to be noticed by the user. These data provide marketers the information that the ad has been seen using metrics based on the actual number of ads that were evident to users.

Why is it so important?

If your ad is not visible, it may affect the perception disorder on site or destroy the trust to the brand. In online advertising, visibility is the most important value, right after ads view. Details collected from the analysis, provide marketers clear and effective information that explain how to allocate budgets and which media are the most valuable.
In December 2014, thanks to Active View by Google research on the display and indicators of visibility was published. The results are surprising, 56% of advertising on the Internet did not have the opportunity to display. These research show how important good management visibility on the site is. Additionally, more often media planners asks for advertisement statistics. Then, after analyzing data they choosing the sites, where visibility is more than 60%.

Industry voice

In 2013, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Media Ratings Council (MRC) initiated the research, working with large agencies, advertisers, publishers and technology companies to unify and create a standard measurement of the visibility of ads.
After 18 months of work, IAB and MRC created visibility definitions for display advertising – at least 50 percent of advertising must be seeing at least for 1 second. The common way of measuring the actual value of display ad is important to create scale, optimize, predict and set the ads effectively.

The results

Changes made by the IAB and MRC give advertisers knowledge how many times ad is displayed and help with campaign optimization. They will know which campaign has the highest value, and how much they pay for every simple one. From other hand publishers will receive information on how advertising benefits spread on the site. But the most important, might seem change is display limit per page. At the moment there is no limit, so some sites are bombs us endless number of ads. Hope it will change soon.


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