Maximizing revenues during the holiday season

Maximizing revenues during the holiday season

Easter is not only a season of special discounts, but also tense time for advertisers. Without a doubt, the holiday season brings the highest CPM values throughout the year. It is important, that every publisher should have a strategy to use holidays to maximize website revenue. What is worth paying attention the most? Answer below.

Step 1: Advertising network

Choosing the right partner is supremely important. Only the best ad networks can offer a nearly 100% fill rate, as well as premium rates. Through to the exact configuration, that network may reach a message to the people who are actually interested in the offer.

Step 2: Actual and unique content

It is important that the content on the site is topical and corresponds to current trends. Thanks to Google Analytics, publishers have the opportunity to check specific dates or entries from last year and plan their current strategy based on their popularity and clickthrough.

Step 3: Frequency limits

It happens that publishers set the limit of views on a particular page. When the holiday season arrives, make sure that the view rate is not limited by any numbers. When these parameters have a wide range set, the surface is more competitive in comparison with other pages.

Step 4: Header bidding

As is known, publishers who are using header bidding can eliminate passage of every ad through waterfall. This means that publishers can have access to a greater number of advertising queries, and thus can realistically increase the page fill rate. Headding Bidding allows to sell inventory to those who offer better bids and have an overview of each impression.

Step 5: Format coverage

At the time when rates reach high thresholds and the demand for advertising is high, there can’t be situations when the creation has no place to display, that is to say that placement sizes used are non-standard and do not allow displaying the most desirable advertising formats. By using a wide range of broadcastable advertising formats, publishers can increase the probability of showing the right ad to a specific user, and thus increase click-throughs and revenue.

Step 6: Direct offers

It often happens that advertisers increase their budgets, exactly during holidays. It is worth to contact with their representatives in order to obtain current and direct offers, include raised and current funds. The chance for higher earnings is the greater, the greater of involvement by advertisers in achieving the goals.

Holidays is a great time for publishers to increase website traffic and monetize the surface. Of course, the is a several factors which determine the performance of individual sites. Those tips will allow you to significantly increase the income from individual visits on the website, but they do not guarantee full success. Only cooperation with specialized networks will guarantee a page fill rate of almost 100%.

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