Uncommon advertising formats – part 2

Uncommon advertising formats – part 2

Ad visibility is a key to measure how well your ads are performing. Proper configuration and selection of suitable format guarantees effective communication. Despite of the dominance of standard advertising formats, new and creative formats types are coming to the industry.

Below we present the second part of article about non-standard ad formats. Here are the most important ones:

  • Interstitial – one of the most popular mobile advertising formats, which takes up the entire page in the browser. It often preventing the user from making a move until they engage in the ad. This is usually the click of an X button to close it and sometimes visit the site. Due to the fact that it covers the entire screen, it is appealing and more effective for advertisers.
  • Anchor – as its name says, it is ad unit that usually “anchors” itself at the bottom of the mobile version of the site and stays there while user scrolls through the page. Usually the ad is closed or rejected at any time.
  • Filmstrip – this is a 300×600 format that usually appears on the right of the site. When you mouse over the ad, with the help of onscreen buttons you can switch between the 5 creative modules. The format is configured to hold users local data and displayed them as the last fifth frame.
  • Portrait – one of the few formats that offers rich advertising opportunities and easily engages viewers in the ad content. Because of its large size, it allows multiple ad units to be included in different sections. Portrait appears as a rectangle, usually on right of the site. The user can click on offer and see the content or simply collapse the ad by clicking on the X.
  • Pushdown banner – a format with a high interactivity and efficiency ratio. It offers advertisers extensive offers opportunities and encourages direct response. The 750×300 ad is located at the top of the site in place of the standard banner. Its size is definitely bigger and it grows by sliding the page content down. The great advantage of this format is that it does not block the content on the page.
  • In-image – type of advertising which is simply a graphic element distributed across different parts of a website. This type of advertising can take many forms – from display ads, product information or branding images and videos. An in-image format appears when a user engages in an ad by clicking or hovering over the cursor. This type format appears randomly in image on the page.
  • Sidekick – a kind of drop-down ad that offers a lot of advertising space. Appears on the right of the screen while viewing the page content. When a user is not performing any traffic on the page, then the ad goes beyond the original frame and covers the entire page. When the Internet user starts to redirect the site, the ad returns to the frame.

Traditional or standard ad formats are beginning to evidence limited user interaction. In conjunction with increasing use of adblocks and indifferent Internet users cause less money for publishers and advertisers. It is worth to implement some of the non-standard formats that can contribute to revenue growth from the site.

You do not know what format is congenial for your website? Contact us, we will be happy to help you 🙂