Tag Archives: publishers

Web content publishers are struggling with an increasing number of restrictions that significantly affect ad revenue. Numerous and new challenges are related to entry into force of Coalition for Better Ads, GDPR, the dynamism of mobile ads and the balanced media buying. The following article based on the experience of working with publishers presents 5 steps, thanks to which the website gets a higher monetization rate.

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Easter is not only a season of special discounts, but also tense time for advertisers. Without a doubt, the holiday season brings the highest CPM values throughout the year. It is important, that every publisher should have a strategy to use holidays to maximize website revenue. What is worth paying attention the most? Answer below.

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Due to a great number of formats and the viewers’ attention focused on image, digital video advertising gives the publishers a chance to increase revenues from advertising space. Creating an effective strategy for video monetization is only possible with the right method, accurate measurement and optimization. How to do it? The answer is to be found in the following article.

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The online advertisement industry is changing rapidly. Sometimes it gets confusing and very hard to keep up with all the innovations and new terms, especially when different players use different terminology for the same things. We decided to initiate two-weeks introduction into some confusing terms and to explain them in details. Let’s start from the Private Marketplace – definition and its benefits for both Publishers and Advertisers.

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As you probably know, waterfalling – programmatic model – has a new competitor. It’s a Header Bidding. In short, it’s a new way to monetize your inventory by allowing you to integrate with multiple programmatic companies. Some of the market experts claim that it’s a smarter way for making money from your website. Is it true or it is just another marketing trick?

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Google is a multinational company, which always tries to improve their services and keep their content clean for users’ best experience. For that reason it is important to monitor and control the kind of ads and websites, which have content that one may find offensive, inappropriate, unfair or forcing users for something. Therefore, for those publishers, who use Google AdSense on their web sites it is often a challenge to keep up with all the requirements and avoid ban from Google. In this article you will find the list of possible violations. If your web site have already been banned, there is a way of checking the reasons of such measures. It is extremely important to know policies and to check frequently whether your site have received any violations notifications on your Ad Sense. While there are more than 15 major points, which consist of many other sub-points, it appears…

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It’s all about the money. We want to have more effective ad campaigns, more website traffic and control but also more engagement users to make more money from our website. The good news is that there are a plenty of tools that can help us to achieve all of these goals. Just take a look at the top 8 ad servers for publishers which can move your website on the pretty new level.

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