Tag Archives: digital advertising

Web content publishers are struggling with an increasing number of restrictions that significantly affect ad revenue. Numerous and new challenges are related to entry into force of Coalition for Better Ads, GDPR, the dynamism of mobile ads and the balanced media buying. The following article based on the experience of working with publishers presents 5 steps, thanks to which the website gets a higher monetization rate.

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Technological changes, user expectations and recently formed Better Ads coalition make the online advertising market a real revolution. Transparency and automation process of purchase and sale becoming complicated. Experts said that ads.txt file – placed on the publisher’s website should be the solution.

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Ad visibility is a key to measure how well your ads are performing. Proper configuration and selection of suitable format guarantees effective communication. Despite of the dominance of standard advertising formats, new and creative formats types are coming to the industry.

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Advertising became an integrate part of our lives, especially in Internet. Almost every company invest in online marketing, but not all of them know how to do it. If you want to be seen on website, you have to choose most effective ads formats. Below is a short guide on format of Internet ads.

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The modern Age of Digital dictates the new rules of how to do business, which every successful entrepreneur needs to adopt and, what is more important, do it very fast. Businesses receive the significant part of its revenue from online advertising. Obviously, this induces many companies to increase their ad spending,  that way developing the industry and creating the conditions for furthering the innovations. We decided to introduce you with some basic concepts.

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