Tag Archives: visibility

There are nearly one billion four hundred million websites on the Internet! A big part of them take advantege of advertising to earn money on traffic generate by visitors. For some publisher it is a main source of income and that is the reason they want to earn on every views as efficiently as possible. Fill rate come to succour them.

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Poles spend more than 6 h on Internet each day, of which 4.4 h on desktops and 1.3 h on mobile devices – according to We are social report published in 2016. Last year, the number of mobile users could increase significantly. However, this does not mean that Poles spend less time on the desktop. Surfing the Internet spread over several devices, depending on where we are. How use their advertising power?

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Ad visibility is a key to measure how well your ads are performing. Proper configuration and selection of suitable format guarantees effective communication. Despite of the dominance of standard advertising formats, new and creative formats types are coming to the industry.

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Visibility of the ad is important for both as well as advertisers and Google. Effective advertising reaches a wide audience, encouraging them to take specific action, for example visit site, make a purchase or contact the store. What is viewability and how it is affect on advertising?

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