Tag Archives: website

Poles spend more than 6 h on Internet each day, of which 4.4 h on desktops and 1.3 h on mobile devices – according to We are social report published in 2016. Last year, the number of mobile users could increase significantly. However, this does not mean that Poles spend less time on the desktop. Surfing the Internet spread over several devices, depending on where we are. How use their advertising power?

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Ad visibility is a key to measure how well your ads are performing. Proper configuration and selection of suitable format guarantees effective communication. Despite of the dominance of standard advertising formats, new and creative formats types are coming to the industry.

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Some time ago, websites could just spam and achieve success. However, after the introduction of website ranking and algorithms, this is not an option anymore. So, how to increase blog traffic today? Check out our tips.

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Advertising became an integrate part of our lives, especially in Internet. Almost every company invest in online marketing, but not all of them know how to do it. If you want to be seen on website, you have to choose most effective ads formats. Below is a short guide on format of Internet ads.

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