Category Archives: advertising

Matched content is relatively new feature (it was launched in April this year) of Google AdSense for better interaction with site’s audience. This tool allows you to promote your articles to website visitors. We prepared the list of few major information about matched content. If you are an active on-line ad market player, you will definitely have to check it out. 

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Ad impression is a measurement for a number of times ad is appearing on a web page and viewed by visitors. It is determined by the number of times the particular page is loaded. However, ad impressions count may vary as there is no certain way to count them.

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Advertising became an integrate part of our lives, especially in Internet. Almost every company invest in online marketing, but not all of them know how to do it. If you want to be seen on website, you have to choose most effective ads formats. Below is a short guide on format of Internet ads.

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Rich Media – Interactive flash ads displaying over the content pages. It supports sound and video and has the size dimensions up to 640×480. This format allows to reach the high effectiveness of commercial advertising.

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Rich media banner is a new generation ad format, effectively promoting the brand and impacting the audience with interactive elements: sound, graphics, full-motion video, etc. This type of media advertising allows to make the advertisement more interesting due to its interactivity. Unlike standard animated images, it requires more complex technology development. At the same time, this format provides greater user involvement.

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The practice shows that nowadays the most of media budgets in forward-minded companies are spent for videos. Unfortunately, for many companies pre-roll ads are too expensive to include into their advertising strategy. However, that doesn’t mean that they do not have other options. The introduction of the out-stream video ads has shifted the forces and made them more accessible.

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Video allows to obtain information quickly and vividly, making viewers feel all sorts of different emotions and to meet their entertainment needs. Video in internet is a modern and very effective alternative to television. How to monetize video-content on the website? We prepared the list of 6 main tips.

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How to construct sales within programmatic? Open and closed auctions, fixed-price transactions, reserved inventory or no guaranteed – if you have not yet learned to understand this “cuisine”, read the article below!

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The modern Age of Digital dictates the new rules of how to do business, which every successful entrepreneur needs to adopt and, what is more important, do it very fast. Businesses receive the significant part of its revenue from online advertising. Obviously, this induces many companies to increase their ad spending,  that way developing the industry and creating the conditions for furthering the innovations. We decided to introduce you with some basic concepts.

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The online advertisement industry is changing rapidly. Sometimes it gets confusing and very hard to keep up with all the innovations and new terms, especially when different players use different terminology for the same things. We decided to initiate two-weeks introduction into some confusing terms and to explain them in details. Let’s start from the Private Marketplace – definition and its benefits for both Publishers and Advertisers.

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